Sunday, November 9, 2008

Indian Idol 4(Top 14)

Finally, We have Top 14 in Indian Idol season 4. Following are the list of contestants listed alphabetically.
1)Ananya Mishra
2)Bhavya Pandit
3)Kapil Thapa
4)Kuldeep Singh
5)Mohit Lalwani
6)Priyanka Negi
7)Prasenjit Kosambi
8)Rajdeep Chatterjee
9)Shini Kalvint
11)Tulika Ganguly
12)Bhanu Pratap
13)Remo Ghosh
14)Torsha Sarkar

Following is the Order of my preference: (This order includes their singing ability, and their looks and their personality)

1)Rajdeep Chatterjee (I could relate to him, He sings great, looks good, smile's great, personality matches with one of my best friend, Ashutosh, Just Complete Package)
2)Bhavya Pandit (Bombaite, Sweet Singer, Sing Old Songs too)
3)Prasenjit Kosambi (Awesome Singer, Good Human Being)
4)Torsha Sarkar (Overall package, so far have sung non-challenging songs)
5)Sourabhee (Good Looks, Mix it up with Good Singing)
6)Tulika Ganguly (Good Looking)
7)Shini Kalvint (Fighter)
8)Kapil Thapa (Honest Singer)
9)Mohit Lalwani (Totla Singer, Good Actor)
10)Priyanka Negi (Can Only Talk, Cant Sing)
11)Kuldeep Singh (sing like Himesh with nose)
12)Remo Ghosh (can't sing)
13)Bhanu Pratap (hate him)
14)Ananya Mishra (hate her)

Following order is based on their Singing Ability Only(Not my liking but purely on my opinion on their Singing ability):-

Prasenjit Kosambi
Bhavya Pandit
Rajdeep Chatterjee
Ananya Mishra
Torsha Sarkar
Bhanu Pratap
Shini Kalvint
Kuldeep Singh
Kapil Thapa
Mohit Lalwani
Tulika Ganguly
Priyanka Negi
Remo Ghosh

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