Saturday, November 7, 2020

Invincible Media won

 Leftist media has declared Joe Biden has won the election. There are certain states where margin of victory is so small, that there is going to be recounts. So expect the unexpected. But in the long game - this is a victory to China. 

Bill Clinton was a democrat but he was a southern democrat. Many of his policies were left leaning but only slightly. His war against drugs policy, some of the financial reforms etc were more or less centrist. It is through Obama's administration when USA started leaning towards Socialism. Providing healthcare through government was the first step, restricting banks through lot of regulations was second and so on. Another significant progress that was made during Obama's administration was taking the control of Media houses. Before 2008 - there was a left leaning media - but there was also platform for being unbiased opinion (CNN) and right wing voices (FOX). However, a place where there was plenty of opportunity for right wing and centrist voices was "Social Media". Trump took complete advantage of Twitter, Facebook etc to get elected through Social Media. 

However, things changed in last four years. There are no platforms available for right wings. Hollywood movies ensured plenty of content delivered to project right wing is the villain. Helped by Sports celebrities (take a knee movement), music celebrities and what not. Next came suppression through Social Media. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit - started blocking any content from right wing voices. 

Election result was the result of all the steps taken above. You do not need to even wait for the result and how media started projecting Biden has more seats. When even 70% of votes were not counted in Arizona, they declared Biden a winner, there and many other places. Resulting in constant display of Biden having more electoral votes than Trump. This is to create a picture that Biden was winning all along and if there is a doubt, that doubt will be projected in such a way that Trump is whining. Media is too smart, too powerful and in some way Invincible. 

In fact, Biden was selected from Democrats side because he would do what Media will tell him to do. Poor Bernie Sanders again got defeated in Primary through that same politics - because he does not represent the left wing establishment. 47 years - Biden is in Politics - but majority of people voted for him - may not even name one or two ideas of Joe Biden. What did Joe changed in 47 years? What was the tag line of Biden's campaign? Well, many of them did not voted for Biden - but instead voted to kick Trump out of Power - and they Won. But Did they? or Did Media won. 

Left may claim that Republicans have the senate and they have the Judges, but do they? Senate race is still not over. There is a possibility that fraud may have happened in Michigan race (for both senate and presidential election), but for now, since Michigan is a blue state (Blue Governor), its kinda kept under the carpet. Media has smartly taken the discussion over Georgia, Nevada, Arizona race and removed Michigan from the conversation. In the best case scenario for Republicans - they can only have 51 Seats. Having a slim majority with one or two more Senators does not prevent from Media to run blue policies. Senator Mitt Romney already congratulated Joe Biden over Twitter and seems like very happy - an easy candidate to flip - if needed. 

But from the larger perspective, this is not just a victory for Biden or Left wing Media but bigger victory for China. China was being pushed by Trump over trade deal. Now he is gone and more left leaning party is taking control of the America. America has already taken few steps towards Communism. Government will provide healthcare, Government will buy company bonds, Government will provide more money if you are unemployed, Government will provide Stimulus money. China will be very happy seeing all these policies. Europe was already moving left. Putin already indicated due to his health, may step out in a month. 60% of World Population is in Asia. China is truly winning and ready to dictate the world. Like it or not - 21st Century belongs to ASIA. Even Buffett is investing in Japan. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Why Should I vote for Donald J Trump?

 From last three days, Official Mail-In-Ballot has been staring at me to be filled up with my choices. It should be a simple choice for someone who is a registered Republican - yet - I am waiting for something to fill my vote. Thought let me write down, why I should vote for Trump. 

Every person have their own definition for what President should do for them or for their country. Some believe, President should bring equality among all of us, some believe he should protect the nation, some believe he should help the poor, some believe he should be the smartest among us, some believe he should be honest. Eventually, you are selecting the head of the government - who is going to dictate the policies for the next four years. Aha - The most important word -"Policy" and not the "Politics". 

 First question that you must answer while selecting the choice is, "What do you want from your Government?". In my opinion, what you want from your Government, is something that you can not do it yourself. In other words, I do not want monthly paycheck from Government (I can earn and get it myself), I do not want money to buy me food, clothes, rent etc from Government (because I can pay that from paycheck), I do not want healthcare, transportation money etc etc - Whatever you can do, you must do yourself. However, you can not build hospitals, you can not build roads, you can not protect from outside armies, you can not control law and order - For those things, you need Government Help. 

President is not Government - he is the "Head" of the Government. Major decisions that take place in four years time, are mainly driven through Congress (and not White House), by passing the laws. President can request their Party - but eventually they get debated out by Congress. Some of the other key decisions taken by President - are not necessarily taken by President - but their staff members. This does not mean, President is not important, He is - but there are hardly any decisions taken explicitly by them change common people's lives. Common people and Business owners lives gets impacted by the laws passed or changed by Congress more than executive orders from Presidents. However, How we deal with the rest of the World gets most impacted by the Presidents. In other words, Congress (Senate and House) is more responsible to what happens "inside" the country and Presidents and their cabinet members are more responsible to what happens "outside" the country.

So, lets address some of the key changes enforced by Trump with respect to outside world. 

  1. Got out of Paris deal (is it good for environment - probably not), is it good for America (most certainly). How? It costs tax payers less money. Trump's point: Whatever America does with respect to Paris deal would not have mattered if China, India and other countries are still not doing enough with respect to saving the environment. In the meantime, he also started growing a billion trees campaign to tackle climate change issue.
  2. Want to get out of Iran deal (Obama administration paid billions of dollars to Iran - our money)
  3. Negotiated better deal with Mexico and Canada and cancelled old NAFTA deal where both of our neighbouring countries were taking advantage of USA. 
  4. Negotiated trade deal with China and enforce them to buy more from America. China was buying less than 50 billion worth of goods from America before trade deal. 
  5. Taking control of Chinese app like Tik Tok to ensure USA's data remains within USA or US based company. 
  6. He is the only President in recent pasts who did not started a new war. In fact, he is bringing more and more troops back home. 
  7. Creation of SPACE FORCE.

So, when we compare Trump vs Biden in terms of foreign policy, Trump wins hands down. Obama administration sort of went in the world like an apology tour - Trump does not apologize to the World. In fact, he changed the World from "Global" economy to "Local" economy. (Brexit is another example of it). 

Economy - Another subject where he wins. Before COVID hit, Economy of America was the best it has ever been. Stock market was at all time high. Unemployment numbers were lowest ever. Average Pay was rising. Businesses received one of the best law in recent past to get the necessary tax deduction. Due to this many billion dollar companies - where their money was parked outside of America came back in the American economy. Through many executive orders, he removed lot of unnecessary regulations placed by Obama administration - particularly on Financials industries - so that they can grow and land more money to small and medium businesses. 

He appointed Judges who protects Constitution - and their amendments. His choices are based on skill and not skin color or gender. (Unlike other party where Biden selects Kamala Harris because she is black and female). He supports Law and Order - Police departments across the America. 

Trump wanted to ban refugees coming from Muslim countries (until it was banned by courts) to Protect American Citizens. Trump wants to build WALL in between Mexico and USA - to protect American Citizens.

When Pandemic destroyed jobs market and economy, he is the only President who signed a check of 1200$ and send it to every American. 

So, I wanted to vote for Trump - for all of the above reasons. Its about his "Policies" and not about his tweets. Its not what he says - Its about what he is doing. So, filter out the noise, look at the facts and select a choice based on what he has accomplished and more importantly, what he is planning to achieve in next four years -- DOW JONES to 50000 !!! Make America Great Again !!!