Saturday, December 18, 2021


 It has been one month since I picked top 50 stocks and result is not as good as expected. There are more than 22 stocks which saw more than 10% correction and they need to be replaced with other better stocks. 

So, the stocks which are getting dropped from Top 50 are: 

  1. ABNB
  2. AMD
  3. BA
  4. BILL
  5. CYBR
  6. DKS
  7. DXCM
  8. ENPH
  9. JD
  10. LULU
  11. MDB
  12. NFLX
  13. NVDA
  14. RH
  15. SE
  16. SGEN
  17. TTD
  18. U
  19. URI
  20. WAL
  21. ZIM
  22. ZS
Most of them are moved to either Tier 3 (which is collection of my favorite stocks) and rest to Tier 4 (Risky list). All are great companies and good stocks, just not in trend anymore and usually when stock is corrected over 10%, it continue to see more correction, so better to be cautious. At the same time, its better to reward companies which are outperforming since last one month. So newest additions are: 

  1. AAPL
  2. AMGN
  3. ANET
  4. AVGO
  5. DLTR
  6. EMN
  7. FDX
  8. GD
  9. HPQ
  10. INTU
  11. PEP
  12. ROKU
  13. SAM
  14. SHW
  15. STZ
  16. TECK
  17. TNDM
  18. UI
  19. ULTA
  20. V
  21. Z
  22. ZTS
Many of these stocks were already part of my Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4 list. ANET, TECK, TNDM, ZTS, SHW, STZ, UI were part of Tier 2 group, ROKU and Z were in my favorite list of Tier 3 and SAM was part of Tier 4. Some of them are sort of direct replacement, such as TNDM outperforming DXCM and General Dynamics outperforming BA in Aerospace. Apple, AMGN were part of dividend portfolio and performing better. 

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