Sunday, August 26, 2007

Myth about PATEL's

Whenever I introduce myself by saying, "Hi, I am Viral Patel !!!", More often or not I get a shocking and weird responses. Not because, my name is pronounced in a very different way, here in America, but also due to the fact that I am doing a "JOB" rather than a "Business". There is a general belief that, "PATEL's are business oriented people". Patels have Motel Business. Patels have grocery stores, but PATEL in IT, is a surprise and shock for others.

I do not deny the fact, over in America or overseas, Most of the PATELs are Businessmen. However, Back in my country, PATELS are farmers. Even if you go to many villages, in Gujarat, you would find most of the PATELs are not doing the business but they do Farming. Many of them are poors too.

I looked back and asked around to my elders and we know our History till late 1500 (We have proofs of that) and we were all Farmers back then. I believe, we never gave any preferences to "STUDY", and hence people who were money oriented and wanted to travel across the countries to earn the money and reputation, Had only one area left, "Business". I firmly believe that, when a human being does not have many options, he succeed in what he can do. More or less like, If you find yourself in the middle of the sea, even though you dont know how to swim, You will learn it, to save yourself from the death.

One of the good things, PATELs have is a blind faith in the fellow PATEL brother. They support each other nicely. The moment one Patel introduces to another PATEL, his eyes shines and his heart pumps up.

So, What about the MYTH. The Myth is that "PATELs are businessmen", I would rephrase that statement and say, "PATELs are not naturally business oriented people". Patels dont have natural skills of being Businessmans.

I would give you an example. Most of the Subways around my place are owned by the PATELs. If you go to any of the DESI (PATEL) owned Subway and order, 6 inch VEGGI sub. They would intentionally put only 2 slices of tomatoes. Considering the fact that, out of all the vegetables (Onion,Lettuce, Green Pepper etc), Tomatoes are expensive.

So If a Store is selling around 200 subs , one piece of tomato saved per Sub, will save you atleast 20 Tomatoes and overall profit gain would be 10$. If you calculate per month and then per year, thats almost, 4000$.

By above means, Surely, they earn a lot more than American own Subways. I am sure there are so many other little techniques by which they make more money. but since they are not "Naturally" Business oriented people, they forget the First Key Point of Business. "Make the Customer Happy !!!".

I understand, if you order Chicken sub, you put little less vegetables, Customer still would be happy, but for a Veggie Sub, If you put the one less slice of most tasty and fruitful ingredient , that customer, someday is going to notice it. And If he has the option, He would surely, go to the other store.

There is also a reason behind that, "Saving" fundamental of one slice of tomato. Majority of this people (PATELs) have migrated from India. Before Coming to America or UK, there Primary objective of living was "FARMING". As we all know, Farmers generally are not wealthy people. They had scene the lack of money throught their life span. They value single Penny a lot.

The PATELs are many times get blamed for this Money Saving Fundamental into the characteristics of "PATELs being THRIFT". I have been called many times, "Viral, You are the only PATEL , we had scene who spend a lot of money" during my college days here in America and It was very hard for me to explain them that, "the Patels I know, back in my country, India, spend almost this much amount of money and they are not thrifty or greedy individuals". After staying here in more tha 6 years now, I realize why PATELs are getting blamed.

So, I feel the same way, as True Muslim feels in India. Due to few bad Muslim people, all the people from Muslim Religion gets blamed. I many times get blamed because of those "PATELs of Overseas".

Need to write about, Second one day game between India and England, Red Sox getting the lead back, Bomb Blast in Hyderabad, beautyful movie "HEYY BABYY" and glorious performance of mine in Table Tennis and Bowling in the weekend...but God knows, When will I get time.


Unknown said...

Nothing is a MYTH, it's the truth! Viral never brings enough lunch for all of us.


Maverick said...

are you trying the research the regionalism and casteism factor too. I like your writing skills man