Monday, February 19, 2024

Trading Issues

As far as my investing journey is concerned, most of the set up's are already done in Robinhood account. There are bunch of recurring buy set up for 300 stocks on a daily basis. There is about a hour or so, that I do spend on every week - to adjust those portfolio's, just in case, I need to move around a bit. 

However - my "Trading" journey needs some changes. There are two issues with it. First one is - due to long break (since I try to avoid trading on Fridays), so three day breaks on a normal weekend and four day break during long weekends, when I start the week, I end up taking 30-40 trades (new buys, some sell etc) on a daily basis. Some of the experienced traders I know - initiate only 3 new trades (buy) in a day. They even avoid 4th trade. Reason, they are able to do that, is because they have lot of experience trading in the market (10+ years) on a daily basis, and have developed a somewhat profitable trading system. Because of that, they are able to initiate a position which can be as big as 8 to 10% of their portfolio size. 

I am afraid to put even 4% of my portfolio size in a single stock (in trading portfolio). Even though I have a sharp stop loss system, and I am monitoring that position on every day (hell every minute), I just do not have guts to go big. For riskier trades, my size allocation is even less than 1% of my portfolio size. (again trading portfolio size). So that is the number 1 issue I am trying to resolve - how to take less trades in a day and go for bigger size or be comfortable with the size of the trade. 

Second issue is still FOMO - when you are in the group and social media, where folks are posting screen shots and big profit percentage gains etc - how to remain discipline on not to divert from your trading plan. Plus - when I was trading options - even with lesser size portfolio, there were weeks, when my gain were 10,000$ or even 18000$ - and now, my gains are limited to 1000$ since I buy mostly stocks (may be couple of longer dated options calls once in a while). 

This is work in progress - to get rid of the "Fear" factor. 

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