Barack Obama discussed the economy and jobs at the Schott Glass plant inDuryea, Pennsylvania on 9/5/2008. I haven't been able to find a transcriptbut you can watch the entire video online at:
At 22 minutes into the video, Obama talks about jobs and how to improve oureconomy. He repeated the standard industry line that we need more Americanborn PhDs. Wrong! Wrong! We need more good paying jobs for the Americanborn PhDs, but of course he never offers that as a solution.
27 minutes into the video, Obama answers questions from the public. That'swhen he really blows it!
Somebody from the local bricklayer and craftworker union is concerned aboutH-2B visas. The union guy voiced concern that Bush wants to streamline thereview process for granting H-2B visas. His concern is well founded (seethis newsletter for more info: "H-2B Oil Riggers from India protest in DC,No. 1897 -- 7/30/2008"). Not only does the Bush administration want to makeit easier for companies to get H-2Bs, they want to implement a de factoincrease in the number H-2B visas as well. Bush plans to do these things bypassing a DOL regulation instead of asking Congress to pass legislation.
<<< FACTOID and QUESTION >>> Did you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger came to the U.S. asan H-2B bricklayer? If not, read the newsletter"Schwarzenegger is NIV Scofflaw", October 01, 2003".
Obama didn't understand the bricklayer's question -- perhaps because hedidn't understand what an H-2B visa is, and he obviously has no clue aboutthe wide variety of foreign workers that use guest worker visas. Obamatotally confused H-2B and H-1B, so to avoid getting myself mixed up, I willuse "H2B" when Obama meant H-1B, and H-2B when appropriate.
Obama explained that "H2B" is used for highly specialized workers and thenwent on to say: "we really do have a shortage of PhDs, scientists, andengineers." Compounding his errors, he said that we have: "a continualnursing shortage" that is caused by a lack of teachers who can instruct newnurses. What Obama fails to understand is that the number of nursingteachers appears to be dwindling because it's much cheaper for hospitals toimport nurses from the Philippines than to run nursing schools in the U.S.
To prove his point Obama used an example of an employer who couldn't findan American for a specialized position, so an Indian with an "H2B" wasimported to take the job. I hate to accuse Obama of racial stereotyping,but that's exactly what he did! Fact is, only about 50% of the H-1Bs areIndian, and very few H-2Bs come from India. Obama seemed to buy into thesomewhat racist notion that Asians are smarter and more educated thanAmericans.
NOTE: If you don't understand the difference between H-1B and H-2B, go tothis page to learn more:
Rewinding a little, at about 19 minutes into the video, Obama talks aboutcreating energy jobs that can't be outsourced. Uh, what types of jobs arethose, considering that H-2Bs are being used as oil riggers? Obama's jobcreation plans are superficial because he doesn't comprehend that almostall jobs can be outsourced or insourced,
Obama never answered the bricklayer's question. Instead, he voiced a fewvague generalities about how we have to make sure "H2Bs" aren't used tohurt American software engineers. I would pay good money to see the puzzledlook on that bricklayer's face when Obama was rambling about high-techworkers. LOL! Obama alluded to wanting to reform "H2B". As Norm Matloff explains in hisnewsletter, which is included below, if Obama really wanted to changethings he could support the reform bill from the other Senator fromIllinois -- Richard Durbin. Obama has yet to sign up as a co-sponsor ofDurbin's reform bill that really would be a "Change We Can Believe In". News stories in the U.S. about Obama's Duryea speech on "H2B" arenon-existent, but on international websites, and particularly those basedin India, the stories are propagating. Americans that depend on domesticmagazines or newspapers would have no way of finding out what Obama saidabout "H2B".
I find it rather interesting that the Obamite youtubers didn't think toinclude Obama's "H2B" comments. Instead they posted a heavily edited andsanitized version of Obama's speech. To see what I mean, watch this: The article below by Sridhar Krishnaswami is being repeated on many Indianand foreign websites. He got his facts straight, which proves he watchescspan, but I disagree with his contention that Obama said that he wanted tostreamline the H-2B process. If anything Obama was suggesting that we needbetter enforcement to protect American workers, which is the opposite ofstreamlining since it would involve more bureaucracy. Actually, since Obamadoesn't know the difference between H-1B and H-2B it's unlikely he has anyidea what needs to be done to solve the many problems with these visas. Onething for sure, Obama thinks there is a shortage of high-tech workers, socount on him to push for increasing the visa cap. HELP NEEDED: If any of you happened to record the entire interview pleasecontact me. I would like to edit it down to just what Obama said about"H2B" but unfortunately cspan streaming video quality is too low to editproperly.
Monday, September 15, 2008
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