Friday started with the haunting question of whether to watch Ram Gopal Verma Ki aag or not. Finally, It was such a tiring week at job, I decided to skip the movie this weekend.
It was such a tiring week, that I was not mentally strong enough to travel for 6 or 7 hours, some place. Finally, We (me and my friend Rohan) decided to play GOLF.
Me and Aniket, keep an ongoing list of things to do in the life. Things like, Watching a Test Match @ LORDS, Watching Wimbledon, Going to Switzerland etc...One of that includes, Playing GOLF. Finally, I played Golf.
They say, the age of 30's is age of this sentense, "You are too old to play the game of Cricket and too young to play the game of Golf.". However, Tiger Woods and many young players have changed that statement and you can see many youngstars are taking the GOLF seriously. One of my all time Cricketer, Kapil Dev, once said, "Golf is better suited for players like him, because, you are relying on yourself".
Many of them consider, Golf as expensive game, but we found a cheap deal. 30 Bucks for good 3 hour outing, was awesome deal. We enjoyed every minute of it. Most of the Golf courses are beautyful. This one was a real beauty. Beautyful weather helped a lot for a good afternoon.
Initially, We both hit the ball on every corner of the ground, but after completion of 5th hole, We settled down. I guess in last ,2 holes, I was swinging like a pro. I couldnt belive myself, this is my First day @ GOLF. I swung couple of very very good, lofty 200 Yards Drive.
I quit Cricket This summer, actually last summer itself, because of one incident. I was fat, chubby guy since last 17 years, but never regarded in the Cricket Field as a Lousy Fielder. I was good enough fielder to catch the ball and reliable enough for good throws. When you grow older, Your hand eye co-ordination fails. You want to play the stroke, you want to run hard, You want to play tough, but your body does not respond. And Finally comes a moment, when you ask yourself, How long?? and then You say to yourself, "Buddy, Time to Retire". I am proud of not playing Cricket this entire year (First Time since last 18 years) and it was tough for me, but You can not be a reason to bring down your team mates.
I wish, Sachin Tendulkar, Saurav Ganguly and many others look at their body, ask the above question to themselves and then look at their Bank Balance and say to themselves, "It is a moment We hang our boots".
To be Honest, Even a little walking that we did in the Golf, was good enough to tire my body. I couldnt convince myself to visit Virginia for a drive of around 6 hours on Sunday. Finally, We went to a beautyful place in Upstate Newyork, "Catskill Park".
I havent got the chance to download those pictures from my camera, but that was one of the most natural place you could ever be. We went to a small trail of Catskill Park, and Sound of Water Falling was so pure, that it can touch your heart.
One of the many reason, I believe that Computers has done enough to harm our life. This so called, Modern Life, has removed the piece in the life. If you go and visit these places and stay with yourself for about 15 minutes, you would come to know, Those 15 minutes were more awesome than 15 years you spend trying to earn your so called, much needed, $$$$$$
hey dude, first i congratulate on running in the 'Woods' to become like a 'Tiger'.. and Secondly thanks for sharing ur Exp. in CatSkill Park and Thirdly Thanks for Quitting Cricket and i Appreciate U if u can STOP the comments in Yahoo IM w/ Ur Loving(Previously!!) Cricket's Running Commentary and Request U to send UseFull Tips/Hints for a Better/Peacefull Life in this Crazy Computer World .....
Viru Paji,
It feels nice to see u enjoying the golf course outing..I would definitely like to try my hands on it soemtimes :). nd yeh as srinivas said good tht u quit cricket ;) just kidding ..well u should have quit eating long time back as a matter fact nd u would still be hiting the ball with a bat nd not a club ;)..neways i enjoy all ur topics whatever it may be so keep writing nd stop eating ..u seem to be gaining weight every second nowadays :)
You have to be with Viral on a golf course to understand what 'Majboori' means. No kidding!!Along with golf lessons he gives bollywood lessons, life lessons..I mean everything. And then on the golf course there was no one else to listen to Him, apart from the birds, trees, greens, beautiful mountains. Coupled with that the gorgeous weather.
The way Sachin/Sourav are playing right now, you wish they do not retire, bcos I still think they are totally committed to giving their 100% on the field. For players of their caliber, I do not think its a matter of playing for bank balance; especially with ICL coming up. They know themselves better than you or me know. So enjoy the game, dude.
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