India or Indians? America or Americans?
My answer: I always choose a country ...Government represents a country, selected by the people. Government or Kings in earlier era's had to decide what is good for the "REALM" - taking a word out of GOT...Tougher decisions needs to be taken at some point which may not be good for the "People" at that time, but good for the "Country" and its future. Besides, people change countries but country remains same forever...For eg: We left India, but remained Indians…Indian government does not have to make decisions for us (NRI’s).
For eg:
Trump administration put a tariff on Chinese goods, that is not good for American people (as things become expensive), but it is good for America (as more businesses would prefer to make things in USA and also for short term Government will get extra money due to Tariff).
Biden administration decides to give free money to support child - that is good for American people (they get much needed assistance) but that is bad for America (or Government of America) as they have to spend that money which means less money to spend elsewhere
Majority of time - decision taken by Left will be in favor of people of their country while decisions taken by the Right wing will be in favor of the country. Debates in the congress usually is to find a way to benefit both - people and the country.
What do you want from your Government?
Short Answer: “Anything that people can do, people should do. Anything that people can not do, Government should do.”
Long Answer: People can earn their money, people can take care of their family with their earned money, people can buy food, clothes, place to live etc with their earned money. Anything that people can do themselves - they should do it themselves and not rely upon Government to do it for them.
However, people can not protect themselves from other nation’s invasion - people can not build roads by themselves, people can not build hospitals, libraries by themselves - so things which are beyond people’s capabilities, Government should do it for them.
Government’s three primary jobs are:
- Protection (security)
- Maintaining law & order
- Build Infrastructure
Note: Job creation is one gray area - whether that should be considered as primary job of Government or not. Left would also like taking care of health of people as primary job of Government - it is not. Now it is debatable whether “Climate Change” should be considered as part of “Protection” or not OR Job creation is helpful in maintaining law and order (people have jobs, they less likely to commit crime or steal). Right wing generally evaluate any new bill or proposal by looking at first three bullet points - if it is not - then most likely Government does not need to get involved.
How do you choose your Leader?